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This is a review of the Elegoo “The Most Complete Starter Kit.” I decided to purchase and review this kit because I thought it might make a great beginner kit for kids or adults aspiring to get into electronics. After receiving and opening the packaging, I was very impressed. The contents of the package were neatly packaged in a nice plastic container with individual compartments. All of the components were neatly packaged and appeared to be in good quality. In total, the kit contains over 200 components including an Arduino compatible Elegoo UNO R3. If the components were sourced individually on Amazon, I estimate this kits value at over $170.00. The kit also includes a CD that contains illustrated tutorials, the Arduino IDE, drivers and the Arduino code required for programming. This kit is a great value for someone interested in getting started with DIY electronics, as well as experienced electronics builders.

When I pulled the Elegoo UNO from it’s packaging, I found it to be in good quality, and was pleasantly surprised to find it even has the pin numbers screen printed on each side. After installing the Arduino IDE and drivers from the included CD, I plugged in the UNO and had it running the blink sketch. I made a modification to the sketch and uploaded to confirm everything was communicating properly.
So what’s included? See the list below or the photos above.
- Elegoo UNO R3 Controller Board 1PC
- LCD 1602 Module (with pin header) 1PC
- Rc522 RFID Module 1PC
- Prototype Expansion board 1PC
- Power Supply Module 1PC
- GY-521 Module 1PC
- Servo Motor (SG90) 1PC
- Stepper Motor 1PC
- ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board 1pc
- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor 1PC
- Sound Sensor Module 1PC
- Water Level Detection Sensor Module 1PC
- Ultrasonic Sensor 1PC
- Ds3231 RTC Module 1PC
- Rotary Encoder Module 1PC
- DHT11 Tempeture and Humidity Module 1PC
- IR Receiver 1PC
- Joystick Module 1PC
- Remote 1PC
- MAX7219 Module 1PC
- 1 Digit 7-Segment Display 1PC
- 4 Digit 7-Segment Display 1PC
- L293D 1PC
- 74HC595 1PC
- Active Buzzer 1PC
- Passive Buzzer 1PC
- Potentiometer (10K) 2PCS
- 5V Relay 1pc
- Fan Blade and 3-6V Motor (with wire) 1PC
- Membrance Switch Module 1PC
- 830 Tie-Points Breadboard 1PC
- 9V Battery with DC Connector 1PC
- 9V 1A Adapter 1PC
- 65 Jumper wires 1PC
- Female-to-Male Dupont Wire 20PCS
- USB Cable 1PC
- Resistors 120PCS
- Thermistor 1PC
- Diode Rectifier 5PCS
- Electrolytic Capacitor (10uF 50V) 2PCS
- Electrolytic Capacitor (100 uF 50V) 5 pcs
- NPN Transistor (PN2222) 5PCS
- NPN Transistor (S8050) 5PCS
- Tilt Ball Switch 1PC
- Button Switch 5pcs
- Red LED 5PCS
- Yellow LED 5PCS
- Blue LED 5PCS
- Green LED 5PCS
- White LED 5PCS
- 22pF Ceramic Capacitor 5pcs
- 104pF Ceramic Cpacitor 5PCS
- Photoresistor (Photocell) 2PCS
In total, the kit contains over 200 components including an Arduino compatible Elegoo UNO R3. If the components were sourced individually on Amazon, I estimate this kits value at over $170.00.
This kit is a great value for someone interested in getting started with DIY electronics, as well as experienced electronics builders!
I have found this kit to be a a great value for the price. I am very happy with the purchase and expect to be buying more Elegoo products to feature on Inventor Boy projects. In the future, I will be building some of the projects that are featured in the Elegoo tutorials from this kit, as well as building some of my own. Keep checking in! If you are interested in purchasing the Elegoo kit, it is for sale on Amazon. Just click on the photo above or the buy now box below.
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